Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Work hard, play hard! Hard Rock cafe!

Its been a good week and I have  little amount of time to explain it! We got to see the funeral of Elder Scott. It was super cool to see and to hear all about his life! It gave me a stronger desire to be a better desire to follow the lord! 

Then this week my trainer goes home so we went to Hard Rock Cafe for lunch today! 

I just want to say that i love conference and i know with out a doubt that the profets are called of God! This is such a great time to get answers to your prayers! So start praying and preparing and go and listen to what the Lord has to tell you! I can´t wait to talk to all of you about conference next week! Come prepared with your favorite talks and why! so we can talk about them! And anyone who reads this I would LOVE to hear what your favorite talk was! A little email sent my way would be great! 

Love Elder Ethan Groen!!! 

This family was in my last ward. The two parents couldn´t take the sacrament and were waiting for the stake president to interview them to fully repent. And now they can take the sacrament again! And they are going to go to the temple again when they haven´t gone in over 15 years!!! We worked really closely with this family and saw a drastic and miraculous change in them!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for them!!!!! 

Us in the bathroom doing the funny prom boy bathroom pic

Hard Rock Cafe Sandwich!!!!! YUMMMMMM
My trainer and the missionary i trained!!! Elder Burt and Elder Jones

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


**This message to the family: 
Ok So I am sure that most of you have heard that we had an Earthquake here in Chile! Well the rumors are true! We had my very first Earthquake! Sidenote real quick! In spanish there are two words they use one is temblar and the other is Earthquake. Everything I have felt up to this point was a little shake for about 2 or 3 seconds the longest was about 7-8 seconds. Those are all temblars. Then Last Wednesday on our P-day I had just gotten my new companion Elder Johnson and we went to go see a sister in the ward so she could tell us who we had lunch with this week. Then she said some youth of the ward needed to use the chapel, but didn´t have keys to open it. So we called the other Elders and asked where they were to go get the keys to open the chapel. They were in a members apartment on the second story. So we went to get the keys. We walked in the house to get the keys and it started to shake just a little and the member said "temblar" So we didn´t think to much of it. But then it got stronger and kept going and the whole house was shaking. then the glass started making noise so he said come away from the glass and it shook for about a minute and a half. then after that the Bishops counselors asked us to go check on some members so we went around helping calm people down. We have felt probably about 20 replicas since that time! most of the time the replicas are smaller, but in some earthquakes they could be bigger. So far they have all been smaller and in Santiago we are all ok! The power didn´t even go out! So now we are on standby to wait and see if we can send support to the north and the coast! On monday we were giving a blessing to a member and Elder Johnson the other missionary not my companion was giving the blessing and it began to shake and after words the member said to him "Now I know what real power and authority is!" I am doing fine there is absolutely NO problem here in Santiago!!! 

**And then this later: 
Well I told you all about the Earthquake so I am going to pass on that one for the most part! I had a couple of awesome things happen this week and I want to tell you all about them! 

First when I was with Elder Castro their was a night when we were both tired and all of our appointments had fallen. We were on the same street as our house. So we decided that even though we wanted to go home we should try and knock a few doors. So we went down the street looking for houses with lights that were on. After three empty houses we got to the corner and with 4 minutes before we had to head home a nice man named Gardo opened the door and was very nice and accepting to us! He said "look guys, today its a little late, but can you please come back later this week?"We said sure thing and went back later that week! He was very nice and seemed to be listening intently! We were excited, but at the same time in my mind i was let down by the fact that I had seen lots of nice people not end up keeping commintments. Many people are nice and like the visits of the ELders, but do not understand really why we are their! So I decided I wanted to do something different with him than I had done before! So I asked the elders in the house for advice, the Elders from the zone and district, and members. THen I started praying with ALL my heart that he would be prepared for our lessons to him. I prepared and prayed for those lessons like I never have done before in my misison. And this week he accepted the baptismal invitation. We still have a little way to go and need to see him keep on progresing! But he was SOO sincere with us and asked us how he could come to know if it was all true!!!! I am so excited for him to progress and grow!!!

The other quick thing is that a member was put in the hospital the first day I got to this ward. I heard that he had a big tumor in his stomach and that he would be going in for surgery and that they needed to do a ton of tests for Cancer. So they did it and he was in the hospital for  3 and a half weeks. I don´t know if anybody remembers the Salgado family and when I saw the Hermano Salgado pass away from Cancer. But this story seemed to be the EXACT same thing! And so I was so scared that I would have to see another family pass through that trial... I have prayed more fervently for this family than I knew I could pray for somoned I didn´t know! The brother who had the tumor is in his house and his recovery time has been a third of what it was predicted! We saw him the last two days to help him and things have gone wonderfully! He still has a long way to go. He still has to go through kimo therapy, but he is very optimistic about it! Things are looking very bright for this family! And as he told his story and ALL that happened I was in shock at how many miracles happened so it could go so perfectly!!!! I am so happy that prayers are being answered and he is doing so well!!! 

Also I got a new companion this week! He is from Alaska and is the 4th of 8! He is a really good kid and a really humble missionary! He is a good follower! So I will try to help him break out of his shell a little! But I am so excited to learn from him an try to be more humble like he is! His name is ELder Johnson! That means that I live with two of them now!!!! 

THis week was so great! I wish I could tell you even more, but I am low on time so thats it for now! Thank you all for your prayers and concern! Especially during the Earthquake thing! I love you all!!! 

Love Elder Ethan Groen! 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Full of faith in the midst of our trials

Hey yall! 
       So I had an opportunity to start the Book of Mormon again this week! I was amazed at the things that I was able to learn!! I could read that book a million times and learn something new everytime! Nephi was full of faith in the midst of his trials. He was thrown trial after trial and with every trial that came he consistantly put his trust and faith in the Lord. He knew that the Lord could, can, and will do anything that is in the Fathers will. So he put his faith in the Lord. I have been tried and have passed for a few tough weeks. But I know that The lord has made me better because of it! I want to now look back and try to learn in anyway possible from the trials that are now in the past and use those experiences to make me better and stronger! I hope to keep on pushing on with faith and a brightness of hope and a love of God and of all men. I know that you all have prayed for me and helped me! I thank you will all of my heart for being my examples and my heros! 

     Love Elder Ethan Groen! 

P.S. from Mom - Ethan was assigned a new companion today.   Elder Johnson from Alaska who's been out 13 months.   He's ready to be back in a twosome, he said a trio can be difficult in many ways. 

Early morning run

Missionary Minions

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

A week to remember

I went through a week that I never thought I would this week... I learned that I would be having special changes and I was going to be put in a trio for a while... I am not sure how long it will last, but for now I am with Elders Johnson and Diaz. 

This week will be a really interesting week! On the 10th we have to be in the house at 6 and on the 11th we have to be in ALL day long! Turns out that the 11th is a big day for the world! Spain has a holiday or something, Chile has a really sad day, and well in the states its 9-11. Then the 15th of september is a pretty cool day too! Its the birthday of someone close to me! I just can´t remem... OH YEAH DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then on the 18th its independence day!!! So that will be a GREAT day!!! 

I just know one thing is for sure! Jesus Christ is our Savior and reedemer! He Loves us and was sent to Die for us! Because of the Fall of Adam and Eve We are here, able to feel, cry, laugh, smile, love, breath! And Because we have a savior we now have Hope! There is never a point when we have gone too far or cannot change! That is the miracle he gave us! I testify as one of his called servents and reprasentatives that he lives and is the Savior of the World! 

Love Elder Ethan Groen!

What do you do when you can't leave the pench?

What do you do when you can't grow a real mustache?

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

We can do hard things!

I learned this week that we are given trials for different reasons! sometiems for ourselves and sometimes to help others and sometimes we just don´t know why! But trials are always for the good! Also a good friend of mine reminded me of a simple scripture! Filipians 4:13 I can do ALL things in Christ which strengtheneth me! 

This week I learned how true it is and i hope that i can keep on understanding and learning the power of the atonement in my life! 

I love you all and am SOOO grateful for all of your prayers and love! Thank you for EVERYTHING! 

Love Elder Groen!!!