Wednesday, April 20, 2016

A week of work and Rain!!

Boys will be boys!
If I had a penny for everytime someone asked us this week "You guys work even when its raining?" I would be rich! It rained a TON and it flooded a bunch of places too! It was a lot of water! But it was fun working in the rain! I Loved it! Oh and this week we didn`t have water for 3 days but we had a ton in bottles and storage so we were fine! 

This is what my area looks like
Watching a movie at President Cook's house
This week I learned that the gospel is wonderful and can change lives if we let it! We teach that their are only 5 simple steps that are required to get to the Celestial Kingdom! How wonderfully simple is that! Can you name those 5 steps? If not read PMG in Chapter 3 lesson 3 and try to memorize them! 

I love my Savior and know that he watches out for me and each one of you too! I Love you all and pray for you! Have a great week this week! 

Love Ethan!

ohana and us! We have to teach outside when there is no man at home... But she is awesome! She is going to get baptized on may 7th!